About Me
financing options after bankruptcy

Some people think that after you file for bankruptcy that they won't be able to qualify for any sort of credit for many years. Is this true? Would it be possible to purchase a car with an auto loan or get a mortgage for a house? I put together this blog to provide others with the information that I have worked hard to find. As I started the bankruptcy process, I was very worried about what it meant for my financial future. Fortunately, I have recovered and have learned a lot along the way. Hopefully, this information will prove helpful for you.


How The Cash You Have On Hand Could Affect Your Chapter 7 Case

18 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy requires answering a lot of questions and filling out a lot of documents. After that, it requires allowing a bankruptcy trustee the opportunity to carefully analyze and review your entire financial picture. As the trustee does this, he or she will take a close look at the balances in your bank accounts and having too much cash could affect your case. Why cash matters One thing you will have to report when you file for bankruptcy is the cash you have on hand in the bank, and this will include cash in every bank account that has your name on it. Read More …

Fixing Your Finances After Filing For Bankruptcy

21 May 2019
 Categories: , Blog

In order to fix your financial life, sometimes going bankruptcy is part of the process. If there comes a time that you need to go through bankruptcy to save your finances, you should give it some thought and then reach out to professionals that can look out for you. Bankruptcy lawyers and advisors can help you apply and give you the guidance to push your application through. Use these steps so that you get assistance with bankruptcy. Read More …

Paying Your Bankruptcy Fees

26 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

When financial problems lead you to consider filing for bankruptcy, it's no wonder that paying the associated costs to do so becomes an issue. Knowing what to expect can help you be better prepared, so read on to find out about paying filing fees, attorney fees, and other related costs when filing for bankruptcy. Filing Fees Since bankruptcy is a federal matter, the fees are the same in all states. Most consumers file either a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Read More …